Many women find it the easiest thing in the world to show their boyfriends how much they love him. However, there are times when you can be a little intimidated and unsure as to how to show your love. Here are some excellent tips that are guaranteed to make him aware of your deep love for him.
Don't look at other men
It is of utmost importance that your boyfriend knows that your heart belongs to him alone. The first time he notices that you ogle other guys or flirt with another guy, he will be convinced of your infidelity and will be put off. Your faithfulness is a true sign of your feelings and love for him and he will be on the look out!
Let him know he's special in different ways
Don't treat him like you treat all your friends. He will never know that you love him if you give him the same attention you give others. He will only be aware of your love when you go out of your way to make him feel special. Do little things like sending him messages, cards, bake a cake a or even buy him a little romantic gift that will assure him of your love for him.
Call him up or send him loving messages
It doesn't pay to be too silent or secretive about your feelings! Don't keep him guessing too long as to whether you love him or not. He might lose interest in you. Call him up and sound loving and caring. Send him cute messages that confirm your affections and he will be on top of the world.
Put him first in your life
The moment he realizes that you consider him the most important person in your life he will be sure of your love. Don't ignore him at any time and drop your friends for him if the situation demands it. This will confirm your strong interest in him and he will be happy to know that he means so much to you.
Never lie to him
Too many relationships die a sudden death because of a web of deceit and lies! As long as you are truthful and honest with him, he will learn to trust, respect and admire you as a person. If you make up your mind never to lie to him, he will get to have faith in you and will not doubt your word when you tell him that you love him.
Don't expect too much from him
A guy generally hates to be under any kind of stress or tension. If you ensure that your relationship is free of all stress - he will get to love you as you love him. The fact that you don't expect too much from him shows him that you love him just the way he is and he will love you back!
Lend him a sympathetic ear
Guys are afraid that girls will get into the habit of talking too much and refuse to let him have his say! The biggest mistake you can make is become too selfish and hard hearted. It pays to keep silent at times and lend him a sympathetic and caring ear. This will encourage him to open up to you and prove to him that you really care for him.