It has been said, "Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever." Albert Einstein, one of the foremost scientists of modern times, once concluded that gravitation cannot be held responsible when people fall in love. Perhaps what he was really trying to get across was the fact that love just happens and cannot be planned or executed. There are no rules to falling in love, it just happens and when it does, few are left sensible enough to ask why, when, what and how.
Now, it is absurd to attempt understanding love, not only because the task is impossible but also because falling in love requires no comprehension. People fall in love all the time - with animals, with inanimate objects, with places, with themselves and of course with each other. Most times people fall in love without even realizing that they are doing so, and when realization does strike, they are already in too deep. For those who believe in the laws or karma i.e. what goes around come around, love becomes something inevitable. As per these laws, people fall in love in a particular lifetime because their actions in earlier lives deemed it so. Everything is determined by the past, the individuals falling in love, the opportune moment, and the time length of the relationship. This may be a hard principle to grasp practically, but as humans, it gives us hope by telling us that what is meant to happen, will happen, and it will only happen when the individual is ready.
In this age of modernization, technology is being used to paint over the landscape of love. Love letters are being replaced by emails and chat rooms have taken the place of secret midnight liaisons. Individuals can look for brides over the Internet and use online community portals to meet their better halves. Some may even go to the extent of getting married online. Falling in love has become a science that functions in the unrestricted world of computers. However, the advent of technology into lovemaking cannot be scoffed at, since many people have met their soul mates on the Net and gone on to live happily ever after. The only risk is that perhaps, the loss of personal contact will make people fall in love a lot slower and possibly make relationships a bit colder.