Alias has been developed in Finland and is produced by Nelostuote Oy
under the brand name Tactic. The game has been on the market since the
early 1990s and is one of the most popular party games in Finland. Along
the years, many different versions of the board game have appeared: As
well as the New Alias, the Alias family currently also includes the
Junior Alias for children, the Alias travel game, and as the newest
introduction, DVD Alias.

sad love quotes and sayings
The other team members
take guesses at the word, and words that have been correctly guessed
earn the team one point per word. Explanation mistakes (meaning the
explainer uses the word to be explained, part of it, or a derivative of
it), and words passed over without being guessed take points away. The
players move on the board as many places as they have earned points on
their turn. If, for example, the team lands on the number 7, the word to
be explained from the cards is word number 7. The first team to reach
the goal wins. The game is recommended for players over 7 years.
The New Alias is a version of Alias, where the words are divided into 8
classes: 1. Things and Concepts, 2. People and Professions, 3.
Adjectives, 4. Verbs. The numbered classes can include anything
whatsoever. The game board's base colour is red and the squares of each
category are played in turns.
On the flip side of the New Alias board is the Special Alias version of the board game: the rules are otherwise the same as in New Alias, but the game has different classes: The world around us, Sports and exercise, Entertainment and culture, and Sayings and quotes. The classes Entertainment and culture and Sayings and quotes have special explanations, meaning that the first card contains a hint related to the word, and in the second card, the word to be explained is part of a saying or quote and the word to be explained is replaced, for example, with the word "beep". Both classes also contain normal explanations.
On the flip side of the New Alias board is the Special Alias version of the board game: the rules are otherwise the same as in New Alias, but the game has different classes: The world around us, Sports and exercise, Entertainment and culture, and Sayings and quotes. The classes Entertainment and culture and Sayings and quotes have special explanations, meaning that the first card contains a hint related to the word, and in the second card, the word to be explained is part of a saying or quote and the word to be explained is replaced, for example, with the word "beep". Both classes also contain normal explanations.